Email: etarias@berkeley.edu
Phone: (916) 873-8900
- Philosophy Doctor. Department of Entomology, University of California. Davis. 1999.
Dissertation “Gabryella, Alyma and Lynnyella, new taxa from temperate South America, including a phylogeny of Pomachiliini Candèze.”
- Master of Science. Department of Entomology, University of California. Davis. 1996.
- Agronomist Engineer. Faculty of Agronomy, Forestry and Veterinarian Medicine. University of Concepción. 1986.
Work Experience
2018 to present. Technician. California Department of Agriculture, PEDP Program. Sacramento.
2010-2018. Associate Specialist Curator. Chilean Arthropoda Biodiversity. Systematic of Southern Hemisphere Elateroidea. Essig Museum of Entomology. University of California, Berkeley.
2003-to 2010. Associate Specialist Curator. Chilean beetles. Systematic of Southern Hemisphere Elateridae. Essig Museum of Entomology. University of California, Berkeley.
2000-2002. Postdoctoral Fellow. Phylogeny of the tribe Pomachiliini. Chilean Coleoptera
Biodiversity Project. Essig Museum of Entomology. University of California, Berkeley.
1992-1999. Graduate Student. Bohart Museum of Entomology. University of California, Davis. Curatorial work and database of Coleoptera. University of California, Davis.
1992-1996. Curatorial work and database of the order Coleoptera. Tour Leader Instructor for k-12 Children. Bohart Museum of Entomology. University of California, Davis.
1996-1997. Research Assistant. Identification of aquatic insects. Department of Entomology. University of California, Davis.
1988-1995. Faculty of Agronomy. Instructor of Entomology. University of Talca, Chile.
2019. S Xu, R Errabeli, KW Will, ET Arias& A Attygalle. 2019. 3-Methyl-1-(methylthio)-2-butene: a component in the foul-smelling defensive secretion of two Ceroglossus species (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Chemoecology: 29(4):171-178.
2017. Manuscript submitted Phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Parablacinae
(Coleoptera, Elateridae) with the description of Barrylater huemul gen. & sp. n., Griswoldus constanti gen. & sp.n., and a key to the Parablacinae genera. Submitted.
2015. A new genus Sharon for the Chilean species Asaphes? amoenus Philippi, 1861 (Coleoptera: Elateridae), European Journal of Taxonomy. http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2015.142
2015. Arias-Bohart, E. Malalcahuello ocaresi, Gen. & sp. nov. (Elateridae Campyloxeninae). Zookeys, 508:1-13.
2014. Arias-Bohart, E. Carlota, a new genus of Agrypninae (Elateridae: Lissominae) with a key for Chilean Agrypnini. Zookeys, 417:57-69.
2013. Arias-Bohart, E. Tunon, a new genus of Protelaterini (Elateridae: Lissominae) from southern Chile. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 89(3):159–167.
2013. Arias-Bohart, E. Revision of the genus Sofia (Arias, 2005) from southern Chile. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 118(2): 257-262.
2012. Elgueta, M. & E. Arias-Bohart. Material tipo de algunas especies de Curculionidae (Insecta: Coleoptera), descritas en la obra Historia Física y Política de Chile, conservado en el Museum national d’Histoire Naturelle, París – Francia. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 61:169-177.
2012. Arias-Bohart E & M Elgueta. A checklist of Chilean Elateridae. Annales Zoologici, 59(3):319-328.
2011. Richardson BJ & ET Arias-Bohart. Why so many apparently rare beetles in Chilean temperate rainforests?, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 84:419-432.
2011. Richardson BJ & ET Arias-Bohart. From genetic neighborhood to local community: estimating a key parameter of the Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 84:501-507.
2010. Arias ET. Revision of the genus Podonema (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Elaterinae) from Chile. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 115(1) pp. 35-46.
2009. Arias ET, A. Slipinski, JF Lawrence & M Elgueta. 2009. A review of Chilean Egoliini (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae) with description of a new species of Necrobiopsis Crowson. Zootaxa, 2170:37-45.
2009. Lawrence JF & ET Arias. Valdivelater a new genus of Elateridae (Protelaterini) from Chile and notes on australasian Lissominae. Annales Zoologici, 59(3):319-328.
2008. Elgueta M, ET Arias, & KW Will. Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) en follaje de árboles del centro-sur de Chile. Eds. Llorente B, J y A Lanteri. Contribuciones taxonómicas en ordenes de insectos hiperdiversos. Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 177-220.
2008. Arias ET. A new click beetle genus from Southern Chile: Llanquihue (Coleoptera,
Elateridae, Elaterinae). Journal of Insect Science. http://www.insectscience.org/8.37/
2008. Arias ET, BJ Richardson & M Elgueta. The canopy beetle faunas of Gondwanan element trees in Chilean temperate forests. Journal of Biogeography, (35)5: 914-925.
2007. Arias ET. Rehabilitation of a Chilean Click beetle genus Mecothorax. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 80:200-221.
2006. Arias ET. A new click beetle genus from the Chilean Central Andes: Bohartina (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Elaterinae). 10pp. Journal of Insect Science http://www.insectscience.org/6.31/
2005. Arias ET. A replacement name for a Chilean Click beetle genus from Chile Sofia (Coleoptera: Elateridae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 59(1):22.
2004. Arias ET. Alyma, a new genus for southern Chilean forest. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 58(3):413-427.
2004. Arias ET. Especies del género Aegorhinus (Clase Insecta, Orden Coleoptera, Familia
Curculionidae). Elgueta M.D., & E. Arias T. Noticiario del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago Chile.
2001. Arias ET. Gabryella, a new genus of click beetles from temperate South American Forests (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Contributions on Entomology, International, 4(5) 381-397.
2001. Arias ET. Lynnyella, a new genus of click beetles from Chile (Coleoptera Elateridae). Gayana, 65(2):137-148
2001. Arias ET, KA. Copren, TA Morisawa, JA Lattke, & AC Rehn. Should type specimens of insects indigenous to one country but housed in another be returned to their country of origin? In: International issues, Proposition, Ed: L. Alle. American Entomologist, 46:166-167.
2000. Coleopteros de Chile, Chilean Beetles. Santiago. 216pp. Editorial Fototeknica. Santiago, Chile.
Organizing and leading fieldwork in Chile and Argentina Southern Temperate Forests, with a team of 12 scientists and students.
2015. Participants: Professor Charles Griswold (Curator, California Academy of Sciences), Juan E. Barriga-Tuñon (Consultant), Sergio Ocares F. (Parataxonomist). (February).
2013. Participants: Dr. Mark Pollet, Anja De Braekeleere (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist). Diptera fieldwork, Chillan Cordillera, Chile. (January).
2010. Participants: Gabriela Urrutia (undergraduate student, University of Chile), Sergio Ocares, Nikodemo Jofré (Parataxonomists). Fieldwork, Palena, Chile. March.
2009. Participants: Ian Will (undergraduate University of California, Berkeley) and Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist). January.
2008. Participants: Professor Barry Richardson (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), Professor Charles Griswold (Curator, California Academy of Sciences), Professor William Shepard, (California State University), Hanna Woods (graduate student, University of California, Berkeley), Gabriela Urrutia (undergraduate student University of Chile), Carolina Holmqvist (undergraduate student, University Austral), Erika Benavides (Park Ranger), Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist), Juan E. Barriga-Tuñon (Consultant). National Science Foundation grant to Arias & Will.
2007. Participants: Professor John Lawrence (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), Professor William Shepard (California State University), Ainsley Seago, (graduate student, University of California, Berkeley), Gabriela Urrutia, (undergraduate student, University of Chile), Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist), Juan E. Barriga-Tuñon (Consultant), Isabel Miranda, Erick Inostrosa (Park Ranger), Tina Buija (Consultant) National Science Foundation grant to E.T. Arias & K.W. Will.
2006. Participants: Professor David Maddison (University of Arizona), Professor Adrian Plant (Entomologist, England). Professor Kipling Will (University of California, Berkeley), Juan E. Barriga-Tuñon (Consultant), Isabel Miranda, Juan José Pinto (undergraduate student University of Concepción), Dr. Andrew Rehn (Chico State University. National Science Foundation grant to Arias & Will.
2005. Participants: Dr. Fred Andrews (California Department of Food and Agriculture), Dr. Michael Irwin (Urbana University). Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist), Vitek Lucas (Entomologist, Check Republic), Erica Benavides (Park Ranger).
2003. Participants: Dr. Fred Andrews (California Department of Food and Agriculture), Dr. Diana Silva (California Academy of Sciences), Students: Barbara Bravo, Ivalú Ávila (U. Metropolitana), Cristian Muñoz (University of Talca), Marcos Díaz, Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist).
2003. Participants: Professor Kipling Will (University of California, Berkeley), Steve Lew (undergraduate student, University of California, Berkeley), Milenko Aguilera (undergraduate student, University of Concepción), Cristian Muñoz (Technician, University of Talca), Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist).
2001. Bohart Expedition: Dr. Fred Andrews and Julie Andrews (California Department of Food and Agriculture), Dr. Alda Gonzalez (Research Center, Argentina), Terry Cuneo (Consultant), Steve Lew (University of California, Berkeley), Patricio Caroca (Consultant Chile Fog), Cristian Muñoz (Technician, University of Talca), Sergio Ocares (Parataxonomist).
2016. International Congress of Entomology. Gondwanan coleopteran taxa, particularly Elateridae, and its relevance in Chilean Biodiversity conservation. Keynote Speaker Orlando Florida, September.
2015. The value of Biodiversity General Public. Las Trancas. Series of Conferences in the Chilean Cordillera.
2011. The value of Biodiversity in K-12 and High Schools. Las Trancas Elementary School; Los Lleuques Elementary School; Pinto High School.
2009. The value of Biodiversity. The Grange High School, Santiago, Chile.
www.coleopterosdechile.cl .
2008. The value of Biodiversity. Adam Elementary School, Richmond. www.coleopterosdechile.cl .
2007. The value of Biodiversity. St. Ignatius Elementary School, Sacramento. www.coleopterosdechile.cl .
2013. Chilean Insect Biodiversity. www.lasegunda.com/Noticias/CienciaTecnologia April. Feria Chilena del Libro, La Reina.
2008. Estimating Biodiversity in the temperate rainforests. Pan-Pacific Entomological Society. October. Sacramento.
2007. Preliminary results from the Chilean Arthropod BS&I, and status of Chilean Biological Collections. Entomological Collection Network. December, 2007. San Diego.
2004. Arthropoda from the Chilean Canopy Forest. International Entomology Congress. Brisbane. August.
2004. Click beetles: Gondwanic elements and radiation. III Southern Connection Congress. Cape Town. January.
2004. Biodiversidad en Chile. [Chilean Biodiversity]. Invitation by the Chilean Government Agency CONAF. Santiago, Chile. August.
2003. Elateridos Chilenos y la Biodiversidad. Congreso de Entomología. Invited Speaker. Plenary Session. Universidad de Talca. Chile. December.
2002. Chilean Arthropods. International Canopy Congress. Cairns. June 2002.
2002. Chilean Beetles. Entomological Congress. Valdivia. Chile. November 2000.
2002. Phylogeny of the Tribe Pomachiliini. International Entomological Congress. Foz de Iguazu. August.
1999. Lynnyella new genus for southern temperate forest. XIV Willy Hennig Society. Göttingen. September.
1999. Alyma a new genus for southern temperate forest. Entomological Society of America. June.
1997. Debate “should types be returned to their home countries? Entomological Society of America. Tennessee. December.
1997. Chilean Elaterids, a systematic approach. II Southern Connection Congress. Valdivia. January.
Teaching Experience
2017. Teaching undergraduate students, URAP program http://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/research-units , University of California, Berkeley. Sorting, processing and database Chilean insects onto www.dbessig.berkeley.edu .
2016- present. Volunteer Spanish Immersion Program, k-12. Southport Elementary School.
2016. Teaching undergraduate students, University of California, Berkeley. Patagonia beetle biodiversity, a crowdfunding project (June-October).
2015. Teaching insect workshops in Entomology to park rangers. February.
1998. Teaching Assistant. Biology 1A. University of California, Davis.
1998. Teaching Assistant. Biology 1B. University of California, Davis.
1996-1997. Teaching Assistant. Insects & Humans Affairs. University of California, Davis.
1989-1992. Instructor of Entomology for careers: Agronomy and Biology. Courses: General Entomology, Agricultural Entomology, and Forestry Entomology (semester curricula). [Faculty of Natural Resources]. Universidad de Talca, Chile.
Insect Workshops
2015. February. Las Trancas, one-day workshop on insect and spider biodiversity.
2006. December. Santiago. Five-day workshop on insect biodiversity. Santiago.
2005. March. Forest National Corporation. Puyehue National Park, 5-days workshop on insect and spider biodiversity.
2003. January. Forest National Corporation. Chiloe National Park, 1-day workshop on insect biodiversity.
2003. December. Forest National Corporation. Santiago, 5-days workshop on insect biodiversity.
Museum work
2012 Institute Royal de Sciences de Belgique. Brussels, Belgium. Host Dr. Grootaert. February-August.
2012 Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Paris, France. Hosts: Dr. Boucher, Antoine Mantilleri. Paris, France. March and July.
2012 Natural History Museum London. United Kingdom.
2009 Collections Nationales Belges d’Insectes et d’Arachnides, Institut royal des
Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium Belgique. Belgium. Host Dr.
Grootaert. May.
2009 Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Paris, France. Host Dr. Boucher. June.
2005 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu, United States of America. June.
2004 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu, United States of America. August.
2002 Australian Insect Collection. Canberra, Australia. Host Dr. Calder. June.
2001 Collections Nationales Belges d’Insectes et d’Arachnides, Institut royal des
Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels. Host Dr. Grootaert.
2001 The Field Museum. Chicago. USA. Hosts: Dr. Thayer and Dr. Newton Jr. August.
2000 Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France. Hosts: Dr. Boucher. May.
2000 St. Petersburg. URSS. Host Dr. Solodovnikov. May.
1999 Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. France. Hosts: Dr. Girard, Dr. Boucher.
1996 Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Paris, France. Host: Dr. Girard. May.
1996 Natural History Museum London. United Kingdom. Dr. John Lasalle. May.
Not for Profit Organization
Director of the not for profit Chilean organization “Organización No Gubernamental Conservación de los Insectos de los bosques relictos de Chile”.
• RM Bohart Museum of Entomology.
• Société Entomologique de France.
• The Coleopterists Society.
• The Pacific Coast Entomological Society.
• The Entomological Society of America.
• Chilean Entomological Society.
- Innova BíoBío. Insects and Spider Biodiversity Exposition. 2014.
• Fulbright Commission Scholar Exchange Program. 2011.
• National Science Foundation. Biotic Surveys & Inventories. DEB 04454213 to ET Arias & KW Will. December 2005.
• Evert & Marion Schlinger Foundation. Postdoctoral research in Systematics. 2004.
• Evert & Marion Schlinger Foundation. Postdoctoral research in Systematics. 2003.
• RM Bohart Fellowship. Postdoctoral research in Systematics. April 2002.
• RM Bohart Fellowship. Postdoctoral research in Systematics. April 2000.
• Ernst Myer Grant. Harvard University. November 1998.
• Fellowship University of California. Davis. March 1997.
• Fellowship University of California. Davis. January 1996.
• Fellowship University of California. Davis. March 1995.
• Scholarship President of the Chilean Republic. Chile 1991.
Journal Reviser
- Zookeys.
- Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.
- Revista Chilena de Entomología.
- The Coleopterists Bulletin.
- Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France.
- Journal of Natural History
Online work
Chilean Coleoptera Database (22,000 specimens) http://essig.berkeley.edu/resources/collection_databases.shtml
http://www.globalcanopy.org/contact/factsheet-es.php [translation from http://www.globalcanopy.org/]