Berkeley expedition January 2003.
This year I continue de exploring and collecting Chilean Arthropods. I start going to for a day field trip with Juan Enrique Barriga (from Curicó), Margaret Thayer, Al Newton, Alexis Solodovnikov, and Dave Clark (from FMNH).
Then I went south with Kipling Will (UC Berkeley), Milenko Aguilera (Univ. Concepción), Patricio Caroca (ChileFog), Steve Lew (UC Berkeley), Cristian Muñoz (Univ. Talca, Chile), and Sergio Ocares (Chile).
We went to Nahuelbuta, where Alvaro Mendoza and his wife Erika, a very motivated ranger, gave us hospitality at his home. Nahuelbuta is an enigma for me today. This small area with araucarias and Nothofagus is the only place in the Chilean coastal range were araucarias still persist, however without conservation there is no future.
Elizabeth Arias,
Associate Specialist
Kipling Will,
Associate Professor

Elizabeth Arias (EMEC) and Mario Elgueta (MNNC)
working on the material collected off season March 2005