Charla de Biodiversidad en el Colegio Terranova, La Reina Chile 2018
Durante su estadía en Chile 2018 la Dra. Elizabeth Arias hace una Charla en el colegio Terranova, labor facilitada y coordinada por el profesor de Biología Alvaro Ortega.
Charla de Biodiversidad en Escuela del Sol Naciente de Conchalí
En el marco del proyecto Zero Waste en Conchalí Chile. Organizado por Paulina Torres representante del proyecto en Chile , Elizabeth Arias realizó en abril 2018 una charla sobre la biodiversidad de insectos en Chile, a los alumnos de la Escuela del Sol Naciente, con apoyo audiovisual, colección de insectarios, y algunas especies vivas.
Taller de Biodiversidad, Termas de Chillán, sector las Trancas 2015, Chile.
The value of Biodiversity. 2011. Las Trancas Elementary school. Los Lleuques Elementary school. Pinto High School.
By Dr. Elizabeth T. Arias
We are having a fun way to learn about Biodiversity and entomology. We teach children from Elementary Schools from the Bay Area and then they can log in a chatting room while we are the field. We also have participation of Elementary Schools in Chile. Some of the Schools are St. Ignatius, Sacramento, Adam School, Richmond and The Grange, la Reina Santiago.
Adam School
The Grange School Chile
St. Ignatius School
Elizabeth visited St. Ignatius School, Sacramento in December 18th, 2006 to talk about her and Kip Will’s insect research and our upcoming expedition.
We discussed biodiversity and the science of classification of animals. We also learned how insects compose over 70% of world’s biodiversity and took a few minutes to examine the diversity of insects (living and dead) firsthand.
We wish to thanks Miss Marie, science teacher of St. Ignatius, for allowing us to teach children about the importance of biodiversity.