Expedition, January 2007
By Dr. Elizabeth T. Arias & Professor Kipling Will

We spent a few days in the resort town of Villarrica, a city dominated by the huge, snow-capped (and frequently smoking) volcano that towers over it. For our first collecting excursion, we drove up to the rough slopes of volcanic soil (deposited by Volcan Villarrica's previous eruptions) and hunted for metallic "jewel" beetles (family Buprestidae). We also fogged a few trees (with great success) and collected at the Puesco entrance to Villarrica National Park. On our way to the Andes the next day, we stopped to visit our friend Pablo at his ranch near Lake Villarrica, Flor de Lago. Here we worked with a group of children to collect soil- and wood-dwelling beetles.
santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó santiago-curicó
Santiago Curicó
Oncol Park
Nahuelbuta National Park
Oncol Park
Chaihuin 1
Please post your questions below

Elizabeth Arias,
Associate Specialist
Kipling Will,
Associate Professor

Elizabeth Arias (EMEC) and Mario Elgueta (MNNC)
working on the material collected off season March 2005